Carrie was back out on her bike this weekend for her 2nd year at the Lakes 2-day trial in the Lake District.

Carrie got off to a good start on day 1 and was feeling confident with her upgraded bike. After having some good sections, Carrie managed to score 66 in both the morning and the afternoon sessions, putting her on 132 for day 1.

Carrie battled onto day 2 while nursing an illness but managed to give a good go and the track and managed to improve on her day 1 score with a 69 and a 57, putting Carrie on a total of 258 for both day 1 and day 2. This placed Carrie 101st overall and the 4th placed female in the field.

This is what Carrie had to say on her weekend:

“My bike was prepped with all his usual Motul goodness and was ready and raring to go. 10:14 arrived and off I went. The bike was feeling spot on after having his updated parts fitted and mapping upgraded, and I was just plodding along the best I could as I was nursing a chest infection. It was a really good day overall, fun sections, and a good amount in streams which I do enjoy, got stuck in a few bogs which is standard and had an escapee chain a few times which was annoying, but I got that tightened up for Day 2. I got the 35 sections finished in plenty of time and got the bike prepped ready for day 2”.

Carrie then went on to say:

“Onto Day 2 and it was my early start. Away I went at 9:04 and again much better than last year when I was nursing an injured hip on Day 2. Instead, I was just fighting to breathe this year with the chest infection. I battled on, energy gels, sweets and protein bars kept my energy levels up through the exhaustion of being ill the best they could. 40 more sections were complete and that was the Lakes complete for my 2nd year. Proud to say there’s not a single section I didn’t attempt. I battled through all I could and had some pretty graceful fails, but that’s all part of the learning journey. I finished 101st in the Clubman class and was the 4th female finisher”.

Carrie is back out again this weekend for the Scott Trial at Richmond Motor Club, Yorkshire. The Scott trial is famously known as one of the hardest one-day trials there is and will prove a tough test for Carrie.