More than 6,000 representatives from the insurance industry gathered in Manchester on 12th and 13th May for the annual British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) conference.

The two-day exhibition saw thousands of insurance brokers from across the UK meet up to talk business and network at Manchester Central.

BIBA CEO Steve White opened the conference announcing that it would work alongside rival standards organisation, the Insurance Brokers’ Standards Council, to create a single voluntary code of conduct and guidance for brokers.

A working party has been set up and it is expected a joint code of conduct will be finalised before next year’s BIBA conference which will be held from 11th to 12th May, 2016.

Lexelle’s managing director Sharon West and commercial director Andy Acton were also on hand at the forum to talk about some of our latest products.

“It was very busy and productive couple of days and a great opportunity to strengthen our relationship with brokers,” said Sharon.

“If we didn’t manage to speak at BIBA and you would like to discuss how we may be able to help your business then please contact me by emailing or call me on 07766 334153.

Lexelle’s latest products include our new Guaranteed Hire Vehicle (GHV) policy for motorcyclists and a revamped Family LEI policy.

Among the keynote speakers at BIBA 2015 included William Hague, Jeremy Paxman and Professor Brian Cox.