The wait is almost over for BIBA 2015 as the insurance industry prepares to make Manchester its home on 13th and 14th May.

With more than 5,700 visitors attending BIBA last year, the annual conference is the place to do business, develop contacts and hear from some of the biggest names in the industry.

And as Lexelle continues to expand its range of products, our Managing Director Sharon West and Commercial Director Andy Acton will both be attending if you would like to explore new business opportunities with us.

Among our new products is Lexelle’s recently launched Guaranteed Hire Vehicle (GHV) policy for motorcyclists and a revamped Family LEI policy.

Sharon said: “BIBA is always an important event in the calendar and a great chance to conduct business in a relaxed environment.

“If you would like to have a chat with us to discuss how we may be able to help your business call me on 07766 334153 or email”

Alternatively contact Andy Acton on 07977555431 or email