Lexelle’s managing director has completed a gruelling challenge of climbing three mountains in one day to raise money for a hospice which supports people with life-threatening illnesses.

Adventurous Sharon West joined up with one of three teams from Castelan to complete the Welsh Three Peaks Challenge to fundraise for St David’s Hospice Care on 27th June.

The challenge, which takes in the three peaks of Wales – Snowdon in the North, Cadair Idris in mid-Wales, and Pen y Fan in the South, covers 32km and a total ascent of 2,863m.

Despite being a novice mountain climber, Sharon successfully scaled the three peaks within the allocated time helping the team raise more than £1,000 towards their fundraising goal for St David’s Hospice Care.

The money will help the Wales-based hospice provide free community-based care to people with cancer or any other life-threatening illness living in Gwent and S. Powys.

Sharon, who joined Stefan Wilcox, Stuart Armstrong and Martin Napper for the climb, said she was delighted to have taken part in the charity challenge.

“Martin organised for three teams from Castelan to enter and the other two claimed the fastest finishing times. Our team was much slower – mainly due to me,” said Sharon.

“I was a stand-in and had never climbed even a small hillock before but I learned so much from the experience – not least that if you push yourself you really can climb a mountain.

“And more than that, with the support of a team you can climb three in a day! It’s great to be able to do something like this to help such a worthy cause like St David’s Hospice Care which does such fantastic work for so many people.”

To make a contribution visit https://www.justgiving.com/Castelan or text CAST56 with a donation ( i.e Cast56 £1 or Cast56 £3) to 70070 from any mobile phone.

For more information on St David’s Hospice Care click here.