Changes to your Home Emergency (Arag) Scheme:

Please note that with effect from 1st September 2015, the current Home Emergency policy wordings [Master Certificate Ref : LEX / HES / 960 / 2013] will be replaced with new wordings [Master Certificate Ref : LEX / HEA / 06 / 2015].

Existing policyholders looking to renew their policy from 1st September 2015 can be informed as follows:-

1. There are no changes to the main policy key features or exclusions

2. Changes have been made to the policy claims limits and indemnity levels.

With the current scheme the total Indemnity Level for each claim is £1,000 but specific limits (inner limits) are applied to each claim. Currently for each claim the maximum labour covered is 2 hours with a parts limit of £100 applied to each call-out.

With the new scheme the total indemnity limit for each claim is £500 but there are now no inner limits applied to each claim. Therefore for each claim the policy will cover up to a maximum of £500 covering all labour and parts involved. Based upon our claims records to date, we believe this offers policyholders better value for the majority of claims that they are likely to experience.

As before there are no limits on number of claims in any one period of insurance.

3. The current rates for the Home Emergency scheme remain unchanged.

Implementation of the new policy wordings:

1. For all brokers using the Lexelle Brokernet web system the new policy wordings (copies below) will be made live on Tuesday 1st Sept 2015 when the existing Arag wordings will no longer be available.

2. For all other brokers, pdf copies of the new wordings are below and should be made live on your systems for all new policy inceptions on Tuesday 1st Sept 2015.

If you have any queries with the revised wordings or if any non-Brokernet users have any difficulties with the above implementation deadline then please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel:- 0114 249 3300 or e-mail your queries to