Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms must be installed in rental properties from October 2015, landlords have been warned.

The Government says the move will help prevent up to 36 deaths and 1,375 injuries a year and was introduced after a consultation showed strong support for the measure.

Private landlords will be assisted in meeting the requirements by fire and rescue authorities with the provision of free alarms and grant funding from the government.

The new regulations is part of a wider government move to improve and protect public safety, while at the same time avoiding regulation which would push up rents and restrict the supply of homes and limit choice for tenants.

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis says that a lot of good work has been done in this area in recent years, but there is still more to be done.

“In 1988 just 8% of homes had a smoke alarm installed but now it’s over 90%. The vast majority of landlords offer a good service and have installed smoke alarms in their homes, but I’m changing the law to ensure every tenant can be given this important protection,” he said.

Under the proposed law, landlords would be required to install smoke alarms on every floor of their property, and test them at the start of every tenancy.

Landlords would also need to install carbon monoxide alarms in high risk rooms such as those were a solid fuel heating system is installed.

Private landlords can find out more about their safety responsibilities by visiting

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